Today in Weather History
1977: Sioux Falls residents received a rude awakening during the morning hours as thunderstorms rolled through the city. Over two and one-half inches of rain fell in the city in an hour and 15 minutes. The large amount of rain in a short period of time led to street flooding in some areas. Lightning strikes from the storms also started several small fires.
1988: A tornado tracked a 25 mile path from Rietspruit to Bethesda, South Africa.
1989: "Princess", the Hurricane Hunter reconnaissance plane, was nearly lost when it went into the eye of Hurricane Hugo. It apparently hit a tornado-like vortex and lost two of its four engines. Fortunately the crew found a weaker spot in the eyewall and escaped.
Groton City Council Agenda September 17, 2012, 7 p.m.
1) Minutes 2) Bills 3) Auth Paul to Safety School Nov 14-15 Pierre 4) Project Report - Streets, West Ditch 5) Blind Intersections 6) 2005 Police Tahoe Sale 7) Swimming Pool Report 2012 8) Baseball Report 2012 9) Sunday Liquor Sales Request - Ken's 10) 2013 Budget Discussion 11) 2nd Reading Ord 676 - 2013 Appropriation Ordinance 12) 2nd Reading Ord 675 - 2012 Revised Ordinances 13) Exe Session - Legal And Any Other Business that may come before the Council