(Continued from page 20)
• • 7. SEEKING CASH, PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS GET CREATIVE • While Romney raffles off a chance to fly on his campaign plane, Democratic donors vie for free tickets to an Obama fundraiser starring Beyonce, Jay-Z. • • 8. ELDERLY DEFENDANT IN 1957 SLAYING OF ILLINOIS GIRL AWAITS HIS FATE • After closing arguments at 10 a.m., a judge could issue a verdict in one of the oldest cold-case murders to ever go to trial. • • 9. HOW FIDO MEASURES UP • Zeus the Great Dane gets the title of the world's tallest dog: 3-foot-8 from paw to shoulder. • • 10. THE NFL'S MOST STORIED RIVALRY RESUMES • The Green Bay Packers score on a perfectly executed fake field goal en route to beating the Chicago Bears, 23-10. • • •
AP News in Brief Egyptian president says Muslims must protect embassies; protesters, police clash anew in Cairo
• CAIRO (AP) -- Egypt's president says it's up to Muslims as part of their Islamic duty to protect embassies and foreign diplomats who are guests in the country. • Mohammad Morsi made the appeal on state TV on Friday, ahead of expected protests across the Muslim world over an anti-Islam film ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad. • As he spoke, riot police fired tear gas and clashed with about 100 protesters a few blocks from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. Protests in the Egyptian capital have been ongoing since Tuesday, when an angry crowd scaled the embassy's walls and took down and tore the American flag. • The film "Innocence of Muslims" has prompted violent protests at U.S. Embassies in the Middle East, resulting in the death of the American ambassador and three staff in Libya.
(Continued on page 22)