Wednesday, September 12, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 057 • 3 of 36 • Other Editions
Groton Boys Soccer Loses 5-2 to Sioux Falls Christian on Saturday, September 8, 2012
• Groton boys soccer played in Sioux Falls on a very windy day on Saturday, September 8, 2012 and lost 5-2 to Sioux Falls Christian. The first goal of the game was scored by Groton's Sheady Htoo at minute 33 with a penalty kick created when the SFC defense fouled Groton player Lucas Sternhagen in the box. At 22:19 SFC responded by putting a corner kick into the goal. At 8:37 Toby Carda scored for Groton but, unfortunately SFC ended the half by scoring with 16 seconds left. In the second half, SFC scored at the 33 minute and again at 8:04. Goalkeeper was Jacob Milbrandt.
1187 Groton Defends the goal vs. Sioux Falls Christian: Landon Larson, Sheady Htoo, goalkeeper Jacob Milbrandt, Nick Johnson
1191 Sheady Htoo and Tyler Scott vs. Sioux Falls Christian