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Crazy Horse Memorial dedicates 9/11 monument
• CRAZY HORSE MEMORIAL, S.D. (AP) -- A steel fragment from the destroyed World Trade Center in New York City is part of a new monument at the Crazy Horse Memorial in South Dakota dedicated to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. • Officials scheduled a ceremony Tuesday on the 11th anniversary of the attacks to dedicate the monument that also includes two stone pillars. Representatives of the New York Fire Department were invited. • The memorial also honors the efforts of emergency responders after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and United Airlines Flight 93. •
AP News in Brief As ceremonies mark Sept. 11 anniversary, will they mark the passage of a turning point?
• NEW YORK (AP) -- Is it time for a different kind of Sept. 11? • Victims' families and others were poised to gather and grieve Tuesday at ground zero, the Pentagon and near Shanksville, Pa., for the first time after the emotional turning point of last year's 10th anniversary. • And in New York, there was a sense that it was a season of change and moving forward for the ground zero ceremony. It followed a last-minute breakthrough on a financial dispute that had halted progress on the Sept. 11 museum, and the commemoration itself was to be different: For the first time, elected officials won't speak at an occasion that has allowed them a solemn turn in the spotlight, but also has been lined with questions about separating the Sept. 11 that is about personal loss from the 9/11 that reverberates through public life. • To Charles G. Wolf, it's a fitting transition. • "We've gone past that deep, collective public grief," says Wolf, whose wife, Katherine, was killed at the trade center. "And the fact that the politicians will not be involved, to me, makes it more intimate, for the families. ... That's the way that it can be now." • ___
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