happens tomorrow on September 10, 2012. The phases of the moon recur on or near the same calendar dates in cycles of 19 years, so look for similarly-sized waning crescent moon to return to this place in the starry sky on September 10, 2031. • By the way, if you draw an imaginary line from Jupiter and past the moon, you'll see the brightest planet of all - Venus - in the eastern sky. Sirius beams as third-brightest star-like object in the heavens, after the planets Venus and Jupiter. • Sirius is Dog Star and brightest star • Yes, you can find Orion. Trust me. If you go outside and look south to southeast before dawn now, you'll notice Orion's Belt, which consists of a short, straight row of medium-bright stars. Just draw a line through Orion's Belt and extend that line toward the horizon. You'll easily spot Sirius, the sky's brightest star. • Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog. It's often called the Dog Star. •