• People can register to vote at county auditor's offices, city finance offices, drivers' license stations, public assistance offices, military recruitment offices and Human Services Department offices that provide help to people with disabilities. •
Avera says it has performed 1,000 transplants
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Avera McKennan Hospital says it has performed its 1,000th bone marrow, kidney or pancreas transplant at the Sioux Falls center. • The hospital's kidney transplant program was established in 1993. The bone marrow transplant program was started in 1996, and pancreas transplant was added to the solid organ transplant program in 2003. • Avera Transplant Institute's new expanded home for organ disease includes nephrology, liver disease, transplant and liver surgery and endocrinology services. Bone marrow transplant is housed in the Prairie Center. • Institute administrative director Beth Plahn says reaching 1,000 is a significant milestone. •
Crazy Horse holding night blast on Thursday
• CRAZY HORSE MEMORIAL, S.D. (AP) -- The Crazy Horse memorial is holding a night blast on Thursday to honor its sculptor and namesake. • The annual Sept. 6 night blast is a tribute to Korczak Ziolkowski (KOHR'-chuk jew-uhl-KUFF'-skee) and Lakota war leader Crazy Horse. Ziolkowski was born on this date 104 years ago, while Crazy Horse was stabbed by a soldier on Sept. 5, (Continued on page 13)