• Whenever I look into the eyes of a new born child or watch as little hands and arms reach out for love and affection, I realize once again the true meaning of helplessness and hope. It is impossible for that little one to care for itself. Infants know no one or nothing and have to depend completely on others for everything. • And that little one does not know that he or she has only one life to live. Since it is impossible to relive one second of our lives or retrace one step that we take, it is critical to know that God has provided a path and a plan for each of us. • His Word states very clearly, "It is not in man to direct his steps!" If it is not in ourselves, where do we find the directions that each of us need in our lives? • In the Lord! • An insightful king once declared, "He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name!" • If we allow God to guide us and to guard us, He will. But He can only do this if we allow Him to govern our lives. If we choose to go our own way and do our own thing, we cannot expect God to protect us and provide for us. We cannot blame Him for the problems we create, the tragedies that occur or the disasters that await us if refuse His Lordship! • Our Shepherd has a plan for each of us that will lead us to peaceful meadows and quiet streams. • Prayer: Help us, Father, to surrender our lives completely to You so we may enjoy the good things in life that You have planned for each of us. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. •