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he said. "Though when you open the door wide like we're doing, then you also invite other things in. Flamers, spammers and solicitors are all things we have to deal with." • • • While Facebook is free to use, it requires an investment of time to be effective as a marketing tool. Getting online sales going requires both money and time. • "It isn't a free service to build a website and keep it working," said Colleen Pfeifer. "Web site design, server space, all that has to be paid for and be worth paying for." • Regardless of whether a business has decided a presence on the Internet is worth paying for, the upward trend in online sales means that the Internet's presence in the retail world is not going away--and, according to a Feb. 25 article from The Economist, retailers ignore it at their peril. • "After a panic at the turn of the millennium about the impact on their industry of online shopping, bricks-and-mortar stores settled into making only modest alterations to their business model or, ostrich-like, trying to ignore it. Few have so far made the radical changes needed to meet the threats from, and tap the enormous potential of, e-commerce," according to the article. "Such inaction threatens retailers' survival."