Today's Gas Price is Highest on Record for August 31
• Today's national average price of gasoline is $3.829 a gallon, which is the highest average on record for August 31. The second highest price on this date was in 2008, when the national average was $3.687 a gallon. The national average price of gasoline has broken calendar highs for 12 consecutive days beginning on August 20. • Today's national average price of gas is 0.3 cents more than yesterday, 9.9 cents more than a week ago, 21.2 cents more than a year ago, but 10.7 cents less than the 2012 peak on April 5 and 6. • Seven states have averages above $4 a gallon including: Hawaii ($4.321), Calif. ($4.157), Ill. ($4.134), Mich. ($4.066), Wash. (4.035), Conn. ($4.035) and Ore. ($4.018). This compares to July 31 when only Hawaii had an average above $4. The seven states with the lowest prices include: Colo. ($3.549), N.M. ($3.601), S.C. ($3.607), Miss. ($3.609), Ala. ($3.631) Wyo. ($3.635) and Ariz. ($3.642).