(Continued from page 25)
Florida, the GOP tried to do precisely that. • Speaker after speaker took to the stage to make the case that Barack Obama was guilty of overregulation, abuse of power, dishonesty, wanton spending and class warfare. The recommended sentence: no more years. • In the legal world, the prosecution has a true advantage. It gets to make the opening statement and the closing remarks. But this isn't court; it's politics. And now it's the incumbent's turn. • Between now and when the Democrats open their convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Tuesday, the American public gets to reboot and cleanse its palate. There's time for a Labor Day cookout, maybe even a trip to the movies. And the Democrats, says media strategist Fred Davis, have "room for minor adjustment" to the case they want to make. • "I'd always rather be the last car dealer you visit and the last convention you watch," says Davis, creative director for the 2008 GOP gathering. "Because the first guy is out of mind already." • ___
Isaac departs Gulf Coast; heat, humidity, exhaustion and frustration move in
• BELLE CHASSE, La. (AP) -- As Isaac's drenching rains and cooling winds drifted north of the Gulf Coast, heat and humidity moved back in -- along with frus