• After the plant starts processing cattle, the company will be able to tap into a state economic development finance authority and a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development guaranteed loan. • Sutton said the commission is anxious for the plant to begin processing beef. • "We're excited to get the plant up and running," he said. "It'll have a real substantial positive impact on our whole northeast region." •
Dakotas lawmakers touring booming ND oil patch
• TIOGA, N.D. (AP) -- Lawmakers in the Dakotas are touring the western North Dakota oil patch to get a firsthand look at the boom happening there. • About 20 North Dakota lawmakers and seven from South Dakota on Wednesday were touring drilling rig and oil well sites. They planned an overnight stay at a crew camp at Tioga. • The event is sponsored by the North Dakota Petroleum Council, a trade group. •
SD panel reviews county's ballot-counting error
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Secretary of State Jason Gant has appointed a task force to review a ballot-counting problem that occurred in Davison County during South Dakota's June primary. • Gant says the task force will meet Friday in Mitchell to talk with the Davison County auditor and a representative of the company that makes the ballot counter used in the primary. • Gant says ballots from randomly selected precincts will then be counted several times to test the scanner's accuracy. The same ballots will be scanned later Friday (Continued on page 22)