to over 300 miles, starting the grant-in-aid program which provides eastern South Dakota snowmobile trails, and development of the George S. Mickelson Trail in the Black Hills. • Raap served as the state of Wyoming's trails program manager from 1995-2004 where he was instrumental in developing and improving Wyoming's world-class snowmobiling opportunities. He also established the state's ORV trails program and was at the forefront of efforts to continue allowing winter access to Yellowstone National Park by snowmobile. • In 2004 Raap started Trails Work Consulting where he continues to work for snowmobiling and motorized trail interests across the U.S. and Canada. In this new capacity he has produced numerous publications and materials on trail development and maintenance, access, and snowmobiling safety that are used by many state and national trails programs. He also works directly with state and provincial organizations to provide training, problem solving, planning, and technical assistance with federal land use planning that affects snowmobiling access. • Raap's passion for snowmobiling has carried him well beyond 'job duties' and has led to his being recognized many times over the past 30 years for his untiring efforts as a snowmobile trails program administrator and consultant. Among these honors are: Snow Goer Magazine for Best Snowmobile Trail System (Black Hills), Professional Excellence Award from International Association of Snowmobile Ad (Continued on page 9)