• Walsh said her agency regards Wyoming's core area strategy as a robust plan for sage grouse conservation. "I think Wyoming has set out a process already that is going to be extremely helpful in the conservation of the species," she said. • Mark Salvo, director of the Sagebrush Sea Campaign for the conservation group WildEarth Guardians in Phoenix, said Friday the report's core message that sage grouse survival depends on preservation of their habitat is nothing new in conservation circles. But he said it's important that it's a message now coming loud and clear from federal and state officials. • "It is important and helpful that this report was produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in conjunction with sage grouse and sage brush experts from across the federal government and representing state governments," Salvo said. •
Tax revenue from Sturgis Rally up so far
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Overall tax revenue from this year's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is up 4.9 percent compared to this time last year. • The South Dakota Revenue Department reports that tax revenues from this year's rally will continue to be collected over the next few weeks, even though the rally officially ended Aug. 12. • Total revenue from the sales tax and tourism tax collected so far during the rally period is $1,183,042, compared to $1,127,552 a year ago. • The department reports that 1,012 vendors sold products at this year's rally, up from 976 a year ago. •
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