• A college professor was having a difficult time getting his students to do their required assignments. As the class was about to end he said emphatically, "When you come to class tomorrow, it would be wise to have your assignment completed and ready for my review." • The next day when class began he said in a loud, threatening voice, "Hold up your papers with your right hand!" All of the students complied with his demand except one. He held up his paper with his left hand. • Incensed, the professor shouted, "Right hand stupid, not your left hand. Don't you know the difference?" • "Yes, sir, I do sir," said the student. "But I lost my right hand in combat." • The Greeks had a special phrase for anger. They called it "a brief madness." It seems appropriate. When we become angry we lose control of ourselves and we often say things that are hurtful and harmful. • David the Psalmist was wise when he wrote, "Stop your anger! Turn from your rage....it only leads to harm." • Anger and rage are destructive emotions that reveal a desire to dominate and control others. That is God's responsibility. Ours is to concentrate on God and His grace and find peace as we trust Him to control us. • Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to turn our anger into affection and our frustration into faith - knowing that You will turn our trials into triumphs. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret--it only causes harm. •