stellation directly north of the constellation Scorpius. From the Northern Hemisphere, Ophiuchus stands above Scorpius the Scorpion. But at temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, it's turned "upside down," with Scorpius atop of Ophiuchus. We talk more about Ophiuchus on August 28. • Ophiuchus is part of the Zodiac, too • As seen from mid-northern latitudes in North America, the stinger stars loom close to the southern horizon at early evening, a good fist-width below tonight's waxing gibbous moon. Depending on where you live worldwide, the moon's position relative to the Scorpion's stinger stars varies somewhat this evening. • If you live in Europe or Africa, the moon appears about one-half the way closer to Antares, Scorpius' brightest star. Asian viewers see the moon and Antares even closer together. For those residing in the Southern Hemisphere, you'll see the moon, Antares and the stinger stars high overhead, not close to the horizon. • When the moon drops out of the evening sky toward the end of the first week in September, you can use the stinger stars to star-hop to two beautiful deep-sky treaures: the star clusters M6 and M7.