The People in The Picture
• Who are those two people? They are pictured in a frame on my bookshelf wearing a white tuxedo and a wedding gown. Look at them. Those beautiful faces; so full of optimism, strength and hope. • They are almost strangers to me now. My husband and I have changed so much from that day 31 years ago. We might not even recognize our younger selves if we walked past them on a street. • I can see bits and pieces of them in our children from time to time. In a pair of eyes. The way one son taps his foot or in the way another son spells phonetically. I see them in the artistic endeavors of my daughter and for at least three of my children, in the shape of their big toe. • All those things are still there today in my husband and me, but we don't look the same at all. We have more wrinkles and less hair. What hair we have is a different color or growing in (Continued on page 7)