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world. Somebody comes up with some simple idea that is a good idea. However, the real money goes to the person who can take that simple idea and complicate it beyond all recognition. • "There ain't nothing simple anymore," my grandfather used to say. And he's been dead for 30 years. What would he say today? • For example, take your common everyday telephone. The telephone is no longer a phone but rather a full communication system. You can do everything on your cell phone. • I tried to buy a new cell phone recently and found it rather difficult. The salesperson was telling me all of the features of this new cell phone. • "All I want is to be able to phone my wife when I'm away from the house." • The salesperson didn't seem to get that fact into his head. For some reason he seemed to think I was so important I needed all of the features of the latest cell phone. • Do you know I could not find a cell phone that just was a phone. • I remember the days when the telephone was a party system. What parties we used to have. Each person on that party phone line had a certain ring. I still remember ours. It was two rings. Of course, whenever the phone rang everybody on the party line knew who was getting a call and felt complete liberty in joining in. • Not just telephones but also everything else has been complicated for us. A watch is no longer a watch, but rather a timepiece that does everything but tell time. I saw one that was also a cell phone. • Now, I need a cell phone to find out what time it is and I need a watch to make a phone call. While I'm on the subject, try to find a phone booth in the neighborhood. The absence of the neighborhood phone booth may explain the rise in crime. Where in the world does Clark Kent change into his Superman suit? • Then there is coffee. On a recent trip, I had to use the services of our friendly airline service, which necessitated spending time in airports, which is as close to purgatory as a person can get without dying. I tried to find a plain cup of coffee. Everywhere I went they had everything but plain coffee. The coffee had been flavored with everything from vanilla to pineapples and a few ingredients I could not pronounce. • No wonder so many elderly people go senile. It's the only sane thing to do in such a complicated world. • Where, oh where have the simple things in life gone? • Only one place remains simple for me. That is the Bible. It is not hard understanding what Jesus meant. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6 (KJV). • As far as I'm concerned, nothing is complicated about trusting Jesus.