Whatever Happened to the Simple Things in Life?
• And I must say I do not get very much help on this part, especially from the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. Her idea of keeping it simple is not telling me everything. • This past week I think she went a little too far. • It was Saturday night and I was preparing for my weekly bath. I had assembled all the necessary equipment: my rubber ducky, my reading glasses and the book I was reading at the time. There is nothing more relaxing to me than a hot bubbly bath with a good book. • Eventually, I put my book up and began the ritual of taking a bath. I reached for the bar of soap and it felt a little different then I had remembered from the week before. It felt as though it had been rolled in gravelly dirt. • Wanting to know what the problem was, I called to my wife. • "What's wrong with the soap?" • She then came into the bathroom and said, "There's nothing wrong with the soap."
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