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places) wetter conditions, especially this week. Todey says with the early start to the growing season this year, row crops will likely be harvested earlier than normal. Grasses will turn dormant, and gardens will be winding down soon. These types of changes will reduce water demand, and allow rainfall to soak in the soil, and remain until next growing season. • Producers who are planning on planting a cover crop this year could find this outlook to be promising. "The large number of producers who had to chop corn for silage may find an opportunity to plant a cover crop," Todey said. "Warm temperatures with near normal rainfall could provide a good environment for emergence this fall." • Livestock operators may not find this climate outlook as encouraging, as an extended period of near normal to above normal rainfall is ideal for replenishing water storage. Low streamflow levels in creeks and rivers, and low stock pond levels could affect livestock through the fall season.