drawn from the first-base star through Alpheratz points in the general direction of the Andromeda galaxy. • M31: Great galaxy in Andromeda • If it's dark enough, you'll see two streamers of stars flying to the north (or left) of the star Alpheratz. To me, this grouping of stars looks like a bugle or a cornucopia. Along the bottom streamer, star-hop from Alpheratz to the star Mirach. Draw a line from Mirach through the upper streamer star (Mu Andromedae), and go twice the distance. You've just located the Andromeda galaxy! • Mirach: Guide star to three galaxies • If you can't see this fuzzy patch of light with the unaided eye, maybe your sky isn't dark enough. Try binoculars! Don't worry if you miss it tonight, for the Andromeda galaxy will be in the evening sky from now until spring. • More on M31: Great galaxy in Andromeda •