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try predation, good garden sanitation, row cover, Insecticidal soap, and garden beneficial. Linda Witt will be Aug. 2nd hostess for our next meeting.
- Ilene Helmer, Sec.
August Meeting
• The Andover Friendship Garden Club met Aug. 2,2012 at Linda Witt's Garden House- a beautiful garden setting! President Velma Witt called the meeting to order with Flag pledges and club pledge recited in unison. Four members responded to the roll call question," Aug new plants this year?" The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Elizabeth Abernathy reported a balance of $108.84 on hand. There were no bills. A correspondence invitation was received from Virginia Sandmeier for the Northern District Garden Club meeting to be held at IHop in Aberdeen on Aug 25th, 2012 at 11 a.m.-3p.m. Elizabeth and Velma reported on the State Convention, July 5-7. There were 3 D in attendance. Andover received a Scrapbook and program Book Awards. They toured the Sheerr Howe Arena, the South Main Street Project, and city of Mobridge Parks and Gardens. The guest speaker was Christina Lind- Thielke Landscape Artist and McCrory Gardens supervision in Brookings. Christina also grew up in Mobridge. Judy Dwelke, awards chairman, asked that each club submit a Book of Evidence on the projects they did this year. Linda Witt's topic was " An Escopist Environment" from the Midwest Living" magazine; July- Aug issue incorporating her pictures of her trip with family and friends to Nisswa and the Causeway on Goul, MN. The next meeting will be at Velma Witt's home, Bristol.
Ilene Helmer, Sec.