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"required" to purchase an activity ticket, as a condition of participation, since they are the primary beneficiaries. For example, staff activity stipends include: All Sports, Marching Band, Forensics, Cheerleading, Drama, Oral Interp, DI Activities, FFA, FCCLA, etc.
Activity Ticket prices for 2012-2013 are as follows: Grades 1-5....$25.00; 6-12....$30.00; Adults....$45.00 (10 events) Admission Prices: Adults = $5.00; $6.00 for double headers; Students (1-12) = $4.00
Church Night Wednesday nights during the school year are set aside for activities in the community's churches. No locally sponsored school activities or conflicting practices are to be held after 6:00 PM on Wednesday.
School Cancellations All school cancellations or early dismissals due to inclement weather or emergencies will be sent out via the School-Reach Instant Parent Contact system. Within minutes, School-Reach automatically sends a pre-recorded message to every recipient on a selected list. Parents will be asked to provide phone numbers and e-mail addresses (when available) to the school so that a selected calling list can be created. Emergency cancellations will be broadcast over TV stations KSFY, KDLT and KELO. The Groton Daily Independent also posts school cancellations and closings on its web-site.
Technology Upgrades/Improvements This is the fourth year that Tablets will be issued to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Several Promethean Boards have also been added at the MS/HS. Capital Outlay Projects Elementary School: New carpet has been installed in the special education, Title/RtI, and music rooms. The street north of the elementary building is being widened, some of the sidewalks are being replaced, the parking area on the north side has been extended, and the roads around the school are being redone.
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