ment programs and the role of government. • Countering, President Barack Obama and his allies assert that adding the conservative Wisconsin congressman to the Republican ticket creates a sharp choice for voters on the future of the nation's tax system and safety-net programs, such as Medicare and Social Security. • Romney's selection of Ryan as his vice presidential running mate this weekend jolted the presidential contest and set the contours for the fall campaign: Romney as a proponent of a friendlier business climate seeking to revitalize the economy and rein in federal spending while Obama seeks to cast himself as a defender of middle-class families and federal spending on health care, retirement pensions and education. • Within minutes of Ryan claiming a spot on the ticket, conservatives celebrated and Democrats pounced. • ___
A trek through the woods, a secret trip to New England -- and a running mate for Romney
• NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -- After Mitt Romney decided on a running mate, Paul Ryan's carefully planned transition from congressman to vice presidential candidate began -- in deep secret. • Almost a week ago, Ryan snuck through Chicago's O'Hare airport in a baseball cap and sunglasses and flew to New England. A Romney adviser's 19-year-old son picked up Ryan and drove him to a private meeting in his parents' dining room where the deal was sealed. • By Friday afternoon, Ryan was cutting through the Wisconsin woods behind his (Continued on page 30)