• She was over eighty years old and still worked every day. Though old in years, she was young at heart. She made her way through life in a wheelchair and was very successful in several different business ventures. Additionally, she was known for being involved in doing kind things for others going through difficult times. • "What caused you to end up in a wheelchair?" asked a friend one day. • "Infantile paralysis," she replied. • "My goodness! How do you cope," the friend wondered, "and do so many kind things for so many people?" • "Well," she said with a gracious smile, "the paralysis never touched my head or my heart." • Our head is the door to our heart. What we see, think and dwell upon shapes our feelings and is expressed in what we do and the way we act. • It was the writer of Proverbs who expressed this so well. "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance," he wrote, "for out of it flow the springs of life." • Our heart, the source of our feelings of love and desire, dictates the things that we do and say. How we live and what we find time to do and enjoy all come from within. Wisely, Solomon advises us to concentrate on those things that will reflect God's love to others. We must make sure that what matters most leads us in the right direction. We can only do this if we focus on God. • Prayer: Help us, Heavenly Father, to look straight ahead and keep our eyes focused on You. Keep us from becoming sidetracked by things that would destroy us. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life. •