chart at the top of this post shows you what tonight's sky scene will look like. Tonight, as darkness falls, look for these two planets - Mars and Saturn - and the star Spica to pop out fairly low in the sky. From mid-northern latitudes, the threesome appears in the southwest. At more southerly latitudes, look for them in a more westerly direction. All across the globe, however, the close-knit trio of lights should be conspicuous at nightfall. • In a little more than a week from now, the red planet Mars will pass right in between the ringed planet Saturn and Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo. And in just a few days, all three luminaries will be close enough to fit - or nearly fit - within a single binocular field. • Bottom line: Look outside after sunset tonight for Mars, the targeted planet for NASA's new rover Curiosity, due to arrive August 5. The planet can be seen tonight in a triangle with the planet Saturn and star Spica, in the west after sunset.