Legion brings home the hardware
The year 2000 was the last time Groton had won the State B Legion Baseball Championship, but on Tuesday a group of very exciting young men brought home the championship trophy. They have been in the state tournament final three times in the past four years finishing second in previous years. This year the players wouldn't be denied. "This tournament was so gratifying because we have been second a lot and because the competition was so tough," says Travis Kurth, coach of the Legion baseball team. Kurth has been coaching for thirteen years. His first year as head coach was the last time the legion won the B tournament. "We were the better team this year and we went out there and showed them that." • It was Ryan Delzer's and Eric May's last season this year. Eric says, "It's very sad because I'm never going to play with those guys again but it was a (Continued on page 6)