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speech communication in 1996 and 1998, respectively. Jasothan is a senior from Jaffna, Sri Lanka; his major is business management. • During Thursday's Region 6 meeting, the NDSU chapter was recognized for being a Gold-level chapter (the highest level possible) for the eighth consecutive year; the current chapter recognition system was implemented during the 2004-05 academic year. Any chapter that attained Gold status during the 2011-12 academic year was eligible to apply for the reinstated Key Chapter Award. • During Saturday evening's Gala at the Georgia Aquarium, NDSU was 1 of 27 chapters to receive a Key Chapter Award. The keynote speaker was Kyle Maynard, a fantastic motivational speaker and a 2012 ESPY award winner. • On April 24, 2012, Bonnie traveled to Grand Forks, to attend the Golden Key induction ceremony at the University of North Dakota. She gave the keynote address, "Involvement is the Key to Success," and told attendees that their participation in a variety of activities will lead to unexpected opportunities and rewarding experiences. • Golden Key International Honour Society was founded on November 29, 1977, at Georgia State University. Students in the top 15% of their respective classes are invited to join annually. Golden Key has over 400 chapters in Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Canada, the Virgin Islands, Malaysia, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, India, and the United States. • The NDSU chapter was established on November 21, 1995, and chartered on April 16, 1996. Since then, the chapter has received numerous regional and international awards, including Best New Chapter, Key Chapter, and Honorable Mention Key Chapter.