day of the tour, he must be made to admit that he clearly missed this target." • ___
Gore Vidal, celebrated author, playwright and commentator, dies in Los Angeles
• In a world more to his liking, Gore Vidal might have been president, or even king. He had an aristocrat's bearing -- tall, handsome and composed -- and an authoritative baritone ideal for summoning an aide or courtier. • But Vidal made his living -- a very good living -- from challenging power, not holding it. He was wealthy and famous and committed to exposing a system often led by men he knew firsthand. During the days of Franklin Roosevelt, one of the few leaders whom Vidal admired, he might have been called a "traitor to his class." The real traitors, Vidal would respond, were the upholders of his class. • The author, playwright, politician and commentator whose vast and sharpened (Continued on page 72)