Saturday,  July 28, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 014 • 31 of 35 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 30)

ceremony -- almost half the entire British population. That's even more than the 20 million who watched last year's royal wedding.
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Police: Maryland man who made threat, 'joker' reference had an arsenal of guns

• PALMER PARK, Md. (AP) -- A week after the Colorado movie theater massacre, a Maryland man was taken into custody when police said he made a "joker" reference and threatened to shoot up a business he was being fired from.
• Neil E. Prescott, 28, had an arsenal of guns, though it wasn't clear how serious he was about threats he made to his boss over the telephone, authorities said. When police questioned Prescott at his apartment, authorities said he was wearing a T-shirt that said "Guns don't kill people. I do."
• Prescott told a supervisor at software and mailroom supplier Pitney Bowes that he wanted to see his boss' "brain splatter all over the sidewalk," according to police and an application for a search warrant.
• "I'm a joker and I'm gonna load my guns and blow everybody up," Prescott said, according to the document.
• The threats were made in two separate phone calls this week, and investigators who searched Prescott's apartment Friday morning found several thousand rounds of ammunition and about two dozen semi-automatic rifles and pistols. The weapons

so far appear to have been acquired legally but are still being examined, said Mike Campbell, a spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
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With Syria's civil war within earshot, Golan Heights Druse loyalty to Assad begins to fray

• BUKATA, Golan Heights (AP) -- The raging civil war just across the cease-fire line in Syria is posing an uncomfortable political choice for the Druse people in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights.
• Do they maintain their traditional loyalty to the government of Bashar Assad, whose family has vowed to take back the territory? Or should they support the burgeoning Arab revolt against Assad's harsh rule?
• In the shifting sands of the Middle East, the Druse again find themselves a peo

(Continued on page 32)

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