Saturday,  July 28, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 014 • 12 of 35 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 11)

• Through the President's "America's Great Outdoors" initiative, we're helping reconnect Americans to the land by promoting National Forests, generating even more visits and encouraging more of the outdoor activity that helps contribute to a healthy nation.
• On our 193 million acre National Forest lands, the USDA Forest Service has developed a new "planning rule" to manage and restore our National Forests so that they are more resilient to wildfire, and so that they continue to conserve our water resources and wild

life while providing jobs and opportunities to local communities.
• We've also created thousands of jobs ensuring that our Forests can continue to support tourism - restoring critical watershed areas, removing flammable vegetation, and maintaining and improving tens of thousands of miles of National Forest roads and trails.  We will continue to look for strategies to strengthen our National Forests in the years to come, while maximizing the economic benefits of forests for local communities.
• I encourage all Americans to consider a trip to one of America's National Forests this summer - or any time of year. You will never forget their beauty, and you'll join millions of Americans in supporting the rural communities that continue leading America's economy forward.

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