Legion hopes to bring home the big trophy
• Groton Legion Baseball is looking to end their fantastic season by winning the South Dakota Legion State B title. The tournament is being held at Milbank tonight through next Tuesday. They will be playing Milbank for their first game. Travis Kurth, the coach of Legion Post 39, said, "We are looking to do well in this tournament. Milbank is our first competition who we are going to focus on right now. And they have the potential to beat us if we don't play as well as we can." The team is going to take one game at a time but their hardest competition is Vermillion who are also doing very well this season. • In order to win they have to prepare very well. Kurth said, "I am preparing them physically as well as mentally. I am giving them scenarios for how things might play out in a game. It prepares them for what might happen." • The team this year is doing very well. They work well together as a team. "They are a good group of kids that have been so successful with other things as well as baseball. These guys can step up and be leaders when they need to," Kurth said. He added, "This year, Groton is very strong in pitching but we are not doing as well in hitting." • Groton has had a tradition of good baseball over the years. "We are known for our attention to detail. We (Continued on page 3)