Next blood drive set for August 9
• Groton's next blood drive will be held Thursday, August 9th from noon to 5:30 pm at the American Legion. This drive is especially important because it's being held during the summer. Over the past few months United Blood Services has seen an increase in blood usage across the Dakota's. • Some communities do not sponsor summer blood drives because people go on vacation and farmers are in the fields. "If patients' need for blood also decreased in the summer, everything would be fine," said Leah Kuhn, United Blood Services. But those needs don't decrease at all. Patients continue to need blood right through the summer, regardless of vacations or summer activities. • Anyone interested in donating at the Groton blood drive may call United Blood Services at 800-456-6159 or log on to www.bloodhero.com select Donate Blood and enter "Groton" as the Sponsor Code. • With each donation, donors receive a free total cholesterol test and earn points in United Blood Services' Hero in Me reward program. • Volunteer blood donors must be at least 16, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in good health. Additional height/weight requirements apply to donors 22 and younger, and donors who are 16 must have signed permission from a parent or guardian. For more information, visit www.UnitedBloodServices.org.