Allen Baker to Participate in South Dakota Honor Choir
• Groton senior Allen Baker, son of Keith and Mayme Baker, Groton, will be participating in the South Dakota Honor Choir July 29-August 3 on the University of South Dakota Campus in Vermillion. He will join an elite group of singers from all over South Dakota to rehearse music selections during the week and then perform a concert at 7:30pm on August 3. In April, Baker went through a rigorous audition process that included a prepared solo, written test, sight singing, tonal memory, and an a capella patriotic song. • He is under the direction of Malerie Yeaton.
New Website: South Dakotans Consume the 7th-highest Amount of Energy Nationwide
• ARLINGTON, VA (July 25) -- South Dakotans consume the 7th-highest amount of energy per person nationwide, according to the nonprofit website EnergyTrends.org. • EnergyTrends.org is a project of the Lexington Institute, a think tank based in Arlington, Virginia. • "Americans' awareness and understanding of energy seem to be increasing, but major changes in energy consumption don't happen overnight," said Don Soifer, Executive Vice President of the Lexington Institute. "This year, increased use of natural gas in most of the Southeastern states was the strongest trend." • Earlier this year, EnergyTrends released its first state letter grades for states based on renewable energy patterns. South Dakota earned a letter grade of C-. • "It is our hope that the information on EnergyTrends.org will be useful for everyone from schools to elected officials to keep track of their state's critical energy consumption and generation patterns," Soifer said. • He noted that the research is based on 2010 energy data which was recently released by the U.S. Department of Energy. The website tracks vital indicators for energy and electricity use, as well as which fuels (like coal, natural gas or renewables) are used to generate electricity, and ranks states in each category. It also analyzes data from recent years, providing easy-to-read indicators to show overall trends.