Wednesday, July 25, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 011 • 4 of 27 • Other Editions
Left to Right, Barry Retzler, Tom Woods, Luke Reinmueller, Patti Woods, Dirk Reinmueller, Jasmine Raap, Simon Dittl, Samone Retzler, Ulrich "Gosse" GoBmann, and Doug Raap. Not pictured Sabine Reinmueller & Christina Dittl.
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to model cars before they are made. He comes to South Dakota for vacation because his family lives in Pierpont. So why Groton you might ask? When Doug was in high school and went to Boys State, he met Tom Woods. They became great friends and still keep in touch. So when he came to South Dakota this year he stayed in Toppers guest house which is in Groton near his old friend. • There are many differences between America and Germany. Berry said, "Everything is so much cheaper! In Germany, you would have to be rich to own a house all to yourself." They live with other families in apartment-like houses. Each family has a floor. They don't even have air conditioning in their homes because it takes too much electricity. They just use fans. Another difference that they noticed was that our pool was so small compared to theirs. The men also wore speedos to the pool because that's what men wear in Germany. While we are thinking these people have such unusual ways, we have to realize they are probably thinking the exact same thing about us.