SDSU Extension Drought Updates on Jul. 23
• Brookings, S.D. - The current drought is having a negative impact on agriculture, South Dakota's number one industry. • To provide the most current information and resources to the state's crop and livestock producers, SDSU Extension will host Drought Updates at SDSU Extension Regional Centers throughout the state on Monday July 23. • "The drought is worsening day by day and has reached the critical point where South Dakota's crop and livestock producers will need to make significant management decisions to address its challenges," said Rosie Nold, Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Director for SDSU Extension. "SDSU Extension is here to provide information and key resources." • With the aid of live video streaming, SDSU Extension will bring together experts from across the state to discuss the drought and its impact on crops, livestock and the families involved with agriculture producers throughout South Dakota. Extension Field Specialists specializing in livestock, crops and family will address regional or local issues at each Extension Regional Center, with much of their time devoted to question and answer sessions. Representatives from local agencies and organizations are invited to attend and contribute information and resources available to help producers and families. • Seminar presenters include: Jon Farris, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture; Dr. Dennis Todey, State Climatologist; Warren Rusche, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist; Dr. Mike Moechnig, SDSU Extension Weeds Specialist, and Bob Fanning, SDSU Extension Plant Pathology Field Specialist; and Carrie Johnson, SDSU Extension Family Resource Management Field Specialist. • Each specialist will discuss specific issues dealing with their area of expertise and provide practical management strategies and resources agriculture producers can rely on during this drought. • The updates will be held at 7 p.m. CST and 6 p.m. MST at all eight of the SDSU Extension Regional Centers; Aberdeen, 605.626.2870, Lemmon, 605.374.4177, Mitchell, 605.995.7378, Pierre, 605.773.8120, Rapid City, 605.394.1722, Sioux Falls, 605.782.3290, Watertown, 605.882.5140 and Winner, 605.842.1267. For location address visit iGrow.org. SDSU Field Specialists in the areas of crops and livestock will be available onsite to visit with attendees and answer questions. Other field specialists will address family issues, including budgeting and stress. • "This is a difficult time for all aspects of South Dakota's agriculture industry. We know each agriculture producer and family is impacted by the drought in a uniquely different way," Nold said. "This seminar is only a starting point, but it is our way of providing support and answering as many questions as possible in one place and at one time."