Monday,  July 23, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 009 • 6 of 27 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 5)

live outside the district will be taxed," stated Clarence Erickson. "Currently, these landowners are already being assessed federal, state, school, county, and townships taxes, as well as being taxed by the James River Water District. Now, they are being asked to approve a proposal for more taxes. The tax being proposed is $60 per 160 acres of land. This is 347% higher than the James River Water District!"
• "Those landowners who live outside the Mud Creek District , but who have land within it are being taxed and are not allowed to vote!" Erickson said. "A small group of people have no qualms about taxing their neighbors in and out of the Mud Creek Watershed to improve their bottom line."
• Groton City residents will not have to worry about voting or being taxed by the proposed district.
• "The city of Groton is not involved or affected by this election," said Anita Lowary, Groton's finance officer. The mayor was not available for comment.
• However, the city's residents may see some of the benefits of the proposed district. A third project the organizers have offered to help with is the West Ditch Project in Groton. This project would see improvements made to the water flow along the drainage area to help prevent the standing water currently located along the west edge of town. This water sets above one of the City's sewer lines.
• Thompson said he understands that it will be an additional tax on farmers in the district, but he feels there are many benefits to the creation of the watershed district.
• "I hope it's approved," he said. "I know there's people for it and people against it, I would encourage those who are for it to get down there and vote."
• Landowners wishing to vote may do so at the The Granary Rural Cultural Center, Tuesday, July 24, from 7 pm. to 9 pm. Those interested in being on the board of directors for the district should remain. If the proposal passes, the new board will be appointed after the count has been concluded.

•- Char Telkamp

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