Teeners win six games beating Britton, Redfield and Watertown
• Groton's Teener team defeated Britton in a pair of games on July 11. • Groton won the first game, 13-1. Alec Voss was the winning pitcher, throwing 81 pitches for three strike-outs, four walks, four hits and one run. Kasey Kurtz was the catcher. • Spencer Knecht, Jeric Albrecht and Jackson Doeden each had two hits while Drew Planteen, Parker Rossow and Kurtz each had a hit. • Groton won the second game, 11-1. Jeric Albrecht was the winning pitcher, throwing 80 pitches for three strike-outs, eight hits and one run. Nick Dalchow was the catcher. • Rossow had a double and a triple, Rayce Harder had two singles and Doeden, Albrecht and Logan Lane each had one. • Groton defeated Redfield on July 18, 11-4. Dalchow was the winning pitcher, throwing 100 pitches in five innings for five strike-outs, four walks, four hits and four runs. Rossow pitched for one inning, throwing 14 pitches for three strike-outs and Planteen pitched for one inning, throwing 18 pitches for two strike-outs and one walk. Kurtz was the catcher. • Mason Madsen was three for three at bat with three runs scored and he had double, Rossow, Planteen and Doeden each had two hits, Kurtz had a double and Albrecht had a single. • Groton defeated Redfield in the second game, 6-1. Knecht was the winning pitcher, throwing 56 pitches in five innings for six strike-outs, two walks, two hits and one run. Dalchow was the catcher. • Planteen and Knecht each had a double and a single and Dalchow and Madsen each had a double. • Groton defeated Watertown on July 20, 10-5. Voss was the winning pitcher, throwing 105 pitches with seven hits, one strike-out, three walks and five runs. Kurtz was the catcher. • Albrecht had two doubles, Kurtz and Dalchow each had two hits and Planteen, Rossow Knecht Madsen, Wyatt Larson and Voss each had a hit. • Groton won the second game 13-3. Luke Sternhagen was the winning pitcher throwing 86 pitches for one strike-out four walks, two hits and two runs. Larson pitched the last inning throwing 16 pitches for four walks and two strike-outs. Dalchow was the catcher. • Planteen, Rossow, Knecht, Madsen and Lane each had two hits and Sternhagen had two hits.