Wednesday, July 18, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 005 • 22 of 30 • Other Editions
(Continued from page 21)
toward removing its reputation as a shady tax haven long mired in scandal. • • 8. OBAMA FACES FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE AS ROMNEY CAMPAIGN MAY PASS HIS • If so, he will be the first president to be outspent by a challenger. • • 9. EGYPT'S INTELLIGENCE SERVICE EMERGES FROM THE SHADOWS • The secretive agency produces a documentary to show itself as the defender of the nation in a bid for public support. • • 10. LINSANITY HEADS TO HOUSTON AS KNICKS LET HIM GO • New York said they will not match the Rockets' three-year, $25 million offer for the undrafted point guard.
AP News in Brief
UN schedules Wednesday vote on new Syria resolution, Russia and West at odds over sanctions
• UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Russia remained at loggerheads with the U.S. and its European allies ahead of a scheduled vote Wednesday afternoon on a new Syria resolution and there appeared to be little hope that the U.N.'s most powerful body would unite behind a plan to end the 17-month civil war in the Mideastern country. • The key stumbling block is the Western demand for a resolution threatening non-military sanctions and tied to Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter, which could eventually allow the use of force to end the conflict in Syria. • Russia is adamantly opposed to any mention of sanctions or Chapter 7. After Security Council consultations late Tuesday on a revised draft resolution pushed by Moscow, Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador Alexander Pankin said these remain "red lines." • Russia has said it will veto any Chapter 7 resolution, but council diplomats said there is still a possibility of last-minute negotiations. • There has been a lot of diplomatic scrambling to try to get council unity, which would send a much stronger signal to Syria. International envoy Kofi Annan has been in Russia for two days of high-level meetings, including talks with President