• "Improving public safety in Indian country is not something you are going to knock out in two years," he said. "If we can sustain this for a period of years, I am hopeful, I am confident, we can impact some of these statistics we find to be unacceptable." •
West Fargo business to expand into South Dakota
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- A West Fargo, N.D.-based wire and cable harness manufacturer is expanding into South Dakota with a location in De Smet. • The South Dakota Governor's Office of Economic Development says Sheyenne Dakota Inc. is expected to create 30 jobs over the next three years. • The company will use a building De Smet constructed in 2009 to attract a new business and spur local economic development. It's expected to begin operations in De Smet by early September. • Gov. Dennis Daugaard says De Smet was proactive in generating the opportunity for community growth. • CEO Dave Ingalsbe says Sheyenne Dakota was looking for a small- to mid-size community that could offer a ready workforce. •
Lakota man sues SD hospital over surgical scars KRISTI EATON,Associated Press
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A lawyer for a Native American man who claims the letters KKK were carved into his stomach during surgery has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the South Dakota hospital where the operation took place, the (Continued on page 18)