Bath Fire Department future could impact Groton District
• Expansion may be on the horizon for the Groton Fire District. At the moment, nothing is set in stone, however the Bath Fire Department is currently having staffing problems and may have to close. • State regulations state that a fire department must have 15 members on their roster of firemen, Bath falls far short of that number and only have three to five members that regularly show up for a fire. Depending on the turnout of their current recruitment efforts, they may be forced to close. This will leave a gap in fire protection for this area. Informal discussions between area fire chiefs have suggested that the area be split between Groton and Aberdeen Rural Fire Departments. • Representatives from the Groton Fire District will be attending the Bath Fire meeting tonight at 7 pm in the Bath Fire Hall to listen to any proposals Bath makes. Before any changes could be made, area landowners would have to vote to accept the tax district. • In other business, the Groton Fire Board hired a new grant writer. The new writer is local vs the old one who was located out of state. It was felt that a local person had a better idea of the needs and concerns of the area. A grant has already been submitted to FEMA for the purchase of a new 6x6 tanker/pumper to be used on rough/impassable roads. The grant could also replace some of the breathing apparatus currently used (that were made in 1969) and need to be replaced. • Approval was given to purchase two dozen pairs of gloves to be used by the firemen and the rescue squad. Rescue squad members will also be getting more coats and goggles.
• -Char Telkamp