Groton Police Reports
• May 28 - June 3: 640 city miles driven and 69 county miles driven. 1 assist other law enforcement, 2 bad driving complaints, 3 citizen assistance, 1 cat complaint, 2 dog complains, 1 lost/found item, 3 locked vehicle assistance, 1 serve papers, 1 storm watch, 2 suspicious activities, 1 theft, 1 vandalism, 1 abandoned vehicle/bike, 1 update of sex offender registration, 39 warnings issued, 12 summons issued, 38 speeding, 4 insurance violations, 1 license violation, 1 possession of marijuana, 1 ingesting marijuana, 1 obstructing, 3 equipment citations, 2 lane driving. • June 4-June 10: 510 city miles driven and 22 county miles driven. 1 animal (Continued on page 4)