Golf Association holds second annual tournament
Sixteen teams participated in the second annual Groton Golf Association 4-person team scramble on Saturday. The tournament is one of the fundraisers used to support the high school golf teams. In the individual contests, Mike Siegler and Nikki Koehler won the Closest to the Pin contest while Taylor Anderson and Becky Workis won the Longest Drive contest. Tony Waage was the winner of the Longest Putt and Shawn Warner won the putting contest
Championship 59-Roger Colestock, Lionel Brummer, Shawn Wanner and Mike Siegler 60-Tyler Sperry, Blake Ronning, Austin Schuelke and Blake Anderson 61-Brandon Spanier, Colin Herron, Justin Tennoce and Drake Patterson 61-Craig Dunker, TJ Sperry, Ryan Sperry and Steve Deigler. 62-Brad Hanson, Bob Walter, Terry Gilchrist and John Fliehs 62-Brad Larson, Dar Larson, Brad Waage, Brenda Waage 62-Ryan Koehler, Rick Koehler, Scott Vedvei and Jon Vedvei 64-Dave Blackmun, Marcy Blackmun, Rachel Blackmun, Scott Kettering and Brad Kyburz 64-Maddie Colestock, Lance Frohling, Larry Frohling and Brett Merkel
First Flight 62-Brian Schuring, Tom Waage, Rob Gravatt and Travis Traphagan 63-Jay Waage, Jackson Waage, Kasey Waage and Tony Waage 65-Lorin Fliehs, Julie Fliehs, Jan Gilchrist and Nancy Gilchrist 65-Ron Beldon, Taylor Anderson, Dave Heid and Vance McInerney 68-Rich Zimney, Tami Zimney, Rod Kluess and Nikki Koehler 68-Clint Sombke, Larry Sombke, Brody Sombke and Angie Petterson 82-Michelle Muilenburg, Becky Workis, Julie Pigors and Alexa Schuring