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AP News in Brief Obama continues to question rival Mitt Romney's role at Bain Capital as it outsourced jobs
• WOLFEBORO, N.H. (AP) -- President Barack Obama is keeping up a drumbeat of skepticism over Mitt Romney's insistence -- displayed in a blitz of TV interviews -- that he stepped down from his private equity firm years earlier than federal records indicate. • Obama planned another day of campaigning in Virginia on Saturday, a state he won in 2008 but before that last supported a Democratic presidential nominee in 1964. Advisers said he would remind voters of the discrepancies between Securities and Exchange Commission filings and Romney's recollection of his role at the Boston-based firm. • The strategy follows calls by Democrats -- and some Republicans -- for Romney to release tax returns going back several years. Romney has said anew that he won't go beyond releasing his 2010 tax records and, before the election, his 2011 taxes. • "You can never satisfy the opposition research team of the Obama organization," Romney told CBS on Friday. In the same round of interviews in which he defended his account of his role at Bain, Romney said Obama owed him an apology for a top aide's suggestion that the SEC filings, if false, could bring a felony charge.
• "This is simply beneath the dignity of the presidency of the United States," Romney told ABC. • ___
Massachusetts doctor who once ran against Romney poised to be Green Party pick for president
• ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- A Massachusetts doctor who ran against Republican Mitt Romney for governor a decade ago is poised to challenge him again as the Green Party's nominee for president. • Dr. Jill Stein isn't shy about admitting her candidacy is a super long shot. Still, she noted that a growing number of people are expressing frustration with the nation's two mainstream political parties. She cited the Occupy Wall Street movement as an example.
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