• Lord Nelson was England's most famous naval officer. He was highly esteemed for his inspirational leadership and brilliant grasp of naval strategies and unconventional tactics. His supreme knowledge of warfare at sea enabled him to win many significant victories for England. In fact, in one battle, with only 27 small vessels he destroyed 33 large battleships of Napoleon. • However, in spite of his brilliant career as a naval officer, he suffered from seasickness all of his life. Yet, he refused to allow this serious condition to become an excuse from what he believed he was called to do. • This is a significant lesson for each of us. All of us can find excuses not to do something whenever we want to. Whether we "talk" ourselves into a headache or turn a small task into an overwhelming, mountain-sized, life-threatening project, we can always - if we want to - find a way out of doing what God calls us to do. • Imagine standing before our Lord someday and He asks: "Do you remember when I asked you to teach Sunday school and you said you were too busy?" Or: "Can you explain why you didn't have time to help with Vacation Bible School...sing in the choir...volunteer to work at the homeless shelter...feed the poor...go to camp with the youth...contribute more?" • Prayer: Help us, Heavenly Father, to serve You as You deserve. May we not look for excuses to refuse Your call, but to look for opportunities to serve You constantly. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Romans 12:11 not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; •