(Continued from page 11)
four, which deals with the board member's salaries. The question of reinstating the salaries to $50 per meeting died for lack of a motion. A motion to pay mileage to those board members that wish to take it was passed. • Board meetings will remain on the second and fourth Monday of the month, as they have in the past. • There is a change from the last meeting on the storage shed located on the football field. The building was scheduled to be torn down, instead the building will be offered as surplus and offered on bid. The building would have to be moved off site by August 15. Bid opening will be July 30. • Chuck Padfield came before the board to talk about the new federal changes to the school lunch program. There will be significant changes made to the lunch program and the meals served. More information on this will be available next week. • Angela Gleason was hired as a special needs para-professional at the middle/high school and Kelli Hanson and Tammy Weiszhaar were approved as volunteer football cheerleading advisers.
• -Char Telkamp