Sunday,  July 8, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 360 • 5 of 25 •  Other Editions

Legion beats
Milbank twice

• Groton Post #39 posted a pair of win over Milbank on Friday.
• Ryan Delzer pitched a no-hitter in the first game as Groton won, 6-1.
• The game was tied at one until the fifth inning when Groton scored four runs as Weston Hoglund and Mitch Madsen each had a double and Kalen Kjellsen, Matt Thorson, Eric May and Ryan Delzer each had a single.
• Groton scored six runs on seven hits and had no errors. Milbank scored one run and had no runs or errors.
• Delzer had five walks and two strike-outs. Thorson was the catcher.
• The only other hit outside of the fifth inning was Thorson's single in the third inning. Thorson was the catcher.
• Groton won the second game, 7-1. Groton scored seven runs on 10 hits and had one error. Milbank had one run on eight hits and had five errors.
• Thorson, Jamie Jorgensen and Delzer each had two hits and Brandon Stanley, Dalton Locke, Eric May and Michael Erickson each had one hit.
• May was the winning pitcher with eight hits, three walks and one strike-out. Delzer was the catcher.

Parker Joseph Zoellner

• Parker Joseph Zoellner was born at 7:12 p.m. on Thursday, July 5, 2012, at Avera St. Luke's Hospital, Aberdeen. He is the son of Darin and Anne Zoellner and he joins a brother, Walker, 4, at home.
• Parker weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz., and was 19 inches long.
• Grandparents are Alan and Sharon Zoellner, Groton, and Darold and Jerrie Haberman, Yankton.

Nipp Bridal Shower

Open House Bridal Shower honoring Abby Nipp, daughter of Monte and Dawn Nipp, will be held Saturday, July 14th from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Langford, SD. Abby is the bride-to-be of Gavin Krueger. (0707.0714)

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