Service Notice: Gregory Freeland
• Services for Gregory Freeland, 60, of Houghton will be 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 11th at the United Methodist Church, Claremont. Pastor Nancy Manning will officiate. Burial will follow in Houghton Cemetery under the direction of Paetznick-Garness Funeral Chapel, Groton. • Closed-casket visitation will be held at the church from 4-8 p.m. on Tuesday with a prayer service at 7:00 p.m. • Greg died July 5, 2012 due to injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.
Whatever happened to old-fashioned spankings? by Rev. James L. Snyder
• Sometimes watching the news on television gets rather disparaging. Now that we have 24/7 news, not only can we see the news any time we want to, but we can see it over and over and over again. It is particularly disheartening when there is a "slow" news day. I think all of us can remember O.J. Simpson's mad race down a Los Angeles highway. • I can remember the good old days when Uncle Walter brought us up to speed on the day's news inside of a 30-minute program. Oh, for those good old days. • Never has an American generation been exposed to so much and knows so little for so short a time. • This all came to me recently when the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and I were watching the news after our evening repast. I think it was the 9,999 times this particular news story had been played. Of course, we do not watch television that often and so we may only have seen a very short portion. The short portion that we
saw was just about enough and my wife said so. • It was the news story, if you remember, of the bus lady who was bullied by children. • "I think those children," my wife said and then paused while she grit her teeth violently, "need a good old- (Continued on page 3)