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• Remove any heavy clothing. • Cool the person with water either by using wet cloths or towels. Stay with the person. Don't leave them unsupervised. • If the person shows mild symptoms of heat exhaustion, then give them fluids to drink. Do not do this if they are confused or lethargic. • If the person shows symptoms of heat stroke or is at risk and has heat exhaustion symptoms, then call 911. When in doubt call 911. • For more information about heat related safety check out the National Weather Service website: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/os/heat/index.shtml#safety
Flags at Half Staff For Guardsmen Killed In C-130 Crash
• PIERRE, S.D. - Gov. Dennis Daugaard requests that all flags in South Dakota be flown at half-staff on Thursday, July 5, 2012, from 8 a.m. until sunset in honor of four Air National Guard members from North Carolina who died Sunday in the crash of a C-130 cargo plane during a Black Hills firefighting mission. • "It is a tragedy to lose these stalwart airmen," the Governor said. "Our hearts go out to their loved ones." • Dying in the crash were Lt. Col. Paul K. Mikeal of Mooresville, N.C., Senior Master Sgt. Robert "Robbie"
S. Cannon of Charlotte, N.C., Maj. Joseph "Joe" M. McCormick of Belmont, N.C., and Maj. Ryan S. David of Boone , N.C. • The soldiers were members of the North Carolina Air National Guard's 145th Airlift Wing. •