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10 Things to Know for Tuesday The Associated Press
• Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today (all times EDT): • 1. FOR A SIGN OF GLOBAL WARMING, CHECK OUT THE WILDFIRES, DROUGHTS AND HEAT WAVES • Scientists say they cannot attribute any one extreme event to climate change, but these are the kinds of weather events that result from it. • • 2. POPE FIRES SLOVAK BISHOP FOR MISMANAGING HIS DIOCESE • The rare show of papal power could have implications for U.S. sex abuse cases. • • 3. FROM A WAR-TIME TRAGEDY COMES A TALE OF PERSEVERANCE • Army Staff Sgt. Travis Mills lost all four of his limbs in an Afghanistan explosion, but his spirit remains intact. • • 4. SYRIA'S PRESIDENT SAYS HE REGRETS SHOOTING DOWN TURKISH JET • A Turkish newspaper quotes Bashar Assad as saying: "I say 100 percent, I wish we did not shoot it down." • • 5. OBAMA MAY FURTHER CUT NUMBER OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS
• Officials say new decisions could bring the number to as low as 1,000. • • 6. ANOTHER SEARCH FOR AMELIA EARHART STARTS TODAY • A group of scientists, historians and salvagers trek to a remote island in the Pacific as part of the $2.2 million expedition to find the famed aviator's plane. • • 7. STACK THOSE ROAD MAPS UNDER THE OLD EIGHT-TRACK PLAYER • Technology has made the use of the once-essential traveling tool a thing of the past. • • 8. MASS. HEALTH CARE LAW SHOWS POSSIBLITIES FOR FEDERAL PLAN • Six years later, former Gov. Mitt Romney's brainchild may point to successes and challenges ahead for President Obama's initiative. •
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