Brown County 4-H members recently competed in the Special Foods Contest held at Simmons Middle School in Aberdeen. 4-H members participating in the contest were: Left to right: (Back) Matthew Sperry, Trey Wright, Sophie Wieland, Matthew Sperry, and John Wieland. (Front) Torrie Bonn, Matthew Carpenter, Abraham Wieland, Peyton Johnson, Alexis Simon, Nicole Marzahn, Carly Crawford, Kalli Larson
4-H Special Foods Contest
• The 2012 Brown County 4-H Special Foods Contest was held Tuesday, June 26th at Simmons Middle School with Karen Slunecka as the judge. • In the 4-H Special Food Contest members prepare a dish containing at least one serving from a food group. The Members are then judged on their food preparation skills and nutrition knowledge for the age and food group in which the item is entered, the menu and the place setting for the meal the item is served with and the quality of the item prepared. The challenge is for youth to learn about the nutrition of healthy foods, practical food preparation techniques, food safety, and meal-time ambiance for family dining or entertaining. The following are the results for the contest: • Purple: Matthew Carpenter, Aberdeen; Peyton Johnson, Aberdeen; Kalli Larson, Claremont; Nicole Marzahn, Groton; Matthew Sperry, Bath; Michael Sperry, Bath; Alexis Simon, Groton; Lucas Simon, Groton; Abraham Wieland, Aberdeen; John Wieland, Aberdeen; Sophie Wieland, Aberdeen and Trey Wright, Houghton. • Blue: Carly Crawford, Houghton; and Torrie Bonn, Aberdeen.